
#BodyScrub rubs away dead cells and sloughs off flakes that make your skin look dull and lackluster. It reveals the fresh cells underneath and leaves the skin glowing, youthful and hydrated.

#VIVAcity #DeadSea #mineralProducts #Skincare #BodyScrub


You wouldn't wash your face without applying a #moisturizer, so why not do the same for your #hands

Simply adding #VIVAcity #handcream to your daily routine can completely change the condition of your hand.

#VIVAcity #DeadSea #DeadSea_salts #Mineral_Products #Skincare#natural #handcream .


Your #feet support you each and every day. How about a little#love?

Dryness is completely healed and the feet become #moisturized.

The skin feels light because our foot cream made from #natural and#mineral ingredients gets absorbed easily leaving no greasy feeling on the skin.

Deep absorption means the #skin will work for longer duration.

#VIVAcity #DeadSea #DeadSea_salts #Mineral_Products #Skincare#natural #footcream .


#Facial_scrub can work as an important element in your weekly skin care routine for enhancing your skin health and appearance.

#VIVAcity facial scrub helps get rid of the old, dead skin cells on the surface of your skin to allow new skin to regrow. and it helps keep your skin cells hydrated, thus ensuring a #healthier and softer skin surface.

#VIVacity #DeadSea #skincareproducts #natural#FacialScrub.