
Dead Sea Mud Pack Treatments

Mud pack therapy (pelotherapy) with the mineral-rich mud from the bottom of the Dead Sea is helpful for arthritis, The heated mud helps enervate blood circulation and the salt on the skin aids healing. This trea
tment is simple to administer and offers significant improvement for arthritis.

Try Vivacity Mud Collection facial Mud Mask Body Mud Mask And an amazing Mud Soap and much more check it out



Next time you go to the store, you may want to pick up Vivacity SPA items to create a relaxing experience at home.

Let’s face it, going to a spa all day and getting pampered is an experience every woman should be treated to – but who can afford to go all the time? You don’t want your skin to suffer just because you can’t dish out the cash for the spa treatments.

Here are a few easy-to-make facial and body treatments – and don’t forget the soothing music and scented candles to get the full spa effect!

You can check our SPA products here http://www.vivacitydeadsea.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=77&Itemid=130




Feed Your Skin from Vivacity

Beauty is often a high priority to many, but few devote the necessary time and resources necessary to truly achieve it.


Vivacity products For your beauty body and face

We believe you should feed your skin like your body, with pure and unrefined ingredients that nourish and balance.

VIVACITY Products are A pure and natural way to get your look smarter, shining face; and your look that will reflect your inner feelings and beauty.