
Dead Sea Mud Pack Treatments

Mud pack therapy (pelotherapy) with the mineral-rich mud from the bottom of the Dead Sea is helpful for arthritis, The heated mud helps enervate blood circulation and the salt on the skin aids healing. This trea
tment is simple to administer and offers significant improvement for arthritis.

Try Vivacity Mud Collection facial Mud Mask Body Mud Mask And an amazing Mud Soap and much more check it out



Next time you go to the store, you may want to pick up Vivacity SPA items to create a relaxing experience at home.

Let’s face it, going to a spa all day and getting pampered is an experience every woman should be treated to – but who can afford to go all the time? You don’t want your skin to suffer just because you can’t dish out the cash for the spa treatments.

Here are a few easy-to-make facial and body treatments – and don’t forget the soothing music and scented candles to get the full spa effect!

You can check our SPA products here http://www.vivacitydeadsea.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=77&Itemid=130




Feed Your Skin from Vivacity

Beauty is often a high priority to many, but few devote the necessary time and resources necessary to truly achieve it.


Vivacity products For your beauty body and face

We believe you should feed your skin like your body, with pure and unrefined ingredients that nourish and balance.

VIVACITY Products are A pure and natural way to get your look smarter, shining face; and your look that will reflect your inner feelings and beauty.


Vivacity dead sea products

 The Dead Sea Mud is world renowned for it's properties.
Without a doubt the world’s most amazing place, the Jordan Rift Valley is a dramatic, beautiful landscape, which at the 
Dead Sea, is over 400m (1,312 ft.) below sea level. The lowest point on the face of the earth, this vast, stretch of water receives a number of incoming rivers, including the River Jordan. Once the waters reach the Dead Sea they are land-locked and have nowhere to go, so they evaporate, leaving behind a dense, rich, cocktail of salts and minerals that supply industry, agriculture and medicine with some of its finest products.

Mud Mask

A Dead Sea mud mask can improve the appearance of your facial skin by improving elasticity and minimizing pores, wrinkles and lines. When it dries, toxins that may be present in your skin cells from your everyday diet are drawn out. Your face will feel clean and refreshed.

Bath Salt

bathing in Dead Sea salt from Jordan may be particularly beneficial, because it contains an array of minerals that include potassium which helps to balance skin moisture, bromides which reduce muscle pain and stiffness, and sodium which improves the circulation of lymphatic fluid. Research has also shown sea salt to have an array of medicinal benefits.



The first step to looking refreshed is moisturizer. Use an intense moisturizer in the morning,


Dead Sea Products

Dead Sea:
The Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth, at 1,320 feet below sea level. It is also the planet's saltiest and most mineral rich body of water. The Dead Sea's low altitude, oxygen-charged air, heat and low humidity contribute to a feeling of well being. Enter the Dead Sea and because of the water's high specific gravity, you will experience a floating sensation!

Benefits of Dead Sea Minerals
MAGNESIUMAccelerate cell metabolism by activating Enzymes
POTASSIUMStimulates and maintains nerve signals and Muscle contractions. Heals and regulates Osmosis and water balance
CHLORIDEBalances all minerals in the cells of the body
BROMIDEHeals and relieves skin disorders. Stimulates The natural repair mechanism in the body
SODIUMProtects the body against fluid loss, balances alkali levels and influences muscular activity
IODINEVital for cell metabolism and necessary for the Production of thyroxin, which regulates Metabolic energy
CALCIUMNecessary for regulation of muscles and Strengthening the cell membranes

The Benefits of Natural Ingredients
Aloe VeraA rich emollient known to promote healing for damaged Or dry skin and impairs the ability of viruses
CollagenIt is the fibrous protein constituent of skin and it is Responsible for skin elasticity, and Controls cell shape Differentiation and its degradation leads to wrinkles Those accompany aging
ThyemImproves the health and longevity of individual body cells And therefore prolongs the life of the body, it's strongly antiseptic and it is used especially in cases of exaustion, depression, and skin
SageSage has been considered valuable when applied externally In bags, it has properties common to aromatics, and it provides the skin softness and relaxation
ChamomileUsed to treat problem skin since ancient times for its sedative and emollient properties. A softening agent for rough or irritated skin. It is Soothing, calming, sedative, relaxation, anti-inflammatory, tenseness, aching muscles, indigestion, acidity, hay fever, asthma, eczema, exhaustion

AvocadineIts oil easily absorbed by the skin and scalp, it is a good source of vitamins A,D and E, amino acids and improves skin elasticity, miniaturization, stimulated collagen synthesis,it is Skin barrier repair: film-forming properties, stop trans-epidermal water loss, keeps coenocytes well-conjoin, Recommended for chronic eczema and other skin disorder
JoJobaIt creates protective film over the skin that helps keep moisture in highly effective on dry or sun-damaged skin
Vitamin ENatural vitamin E is an essential vitamin in which helps boost the immune system, and promotes healthy cardiovascular function
Genger RootsIt encourages the removal of toxins (as a diaphoretic) through the skin, The ginger inhibited the growth of skin cancers on the mice Ensuring Your Safety we don't not test products on animals. We guarantee the safety of the products by using ingredients that have been used reliably for many years, along with effective amounts of preservatives common in cosmetics.

Vivacity Dead Sea products For You....

Most everyone wants beautiful and healthy skin but believe the only way to achieve this goal is to spend a lot of money or go through long daily regimens. While there are times when more extensive treatments would be needed, often, the correct skin treatment products can make it possible for skin to be transformed. Of course, it all comes down to the right products being used,


Moisturize your skin daily. This will keep your skin soft and will also keep your skin beautiful as you get older. 



Our ingredients are sourced from the finest Mud and salt of Dead-sea, giving you the quality and confidence that you deserve. We pride ourselves in being a Great Jordanian Brand!