With the passion to make a luxury skin care line composed of the magical Dead Sea Minerals we created VIVAcity
Deadsea salt facial products can soften tough skin, remove wrinkles and signs of ageing and bring a youthful complexion to tired faces. They can also offer natural protection from the harmful effects of the sun. The rich mineral content of Deadsea products also offers valuable benefits for sufferers of psoriasis - often when prescribed drugs and medicines have failed.
Dead Sea Benefits
Dead Sea:
The Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth, at 1,320 feet below sea level. It is also the planet's saltiest and most mineral rich body of water. The Dead Sea's low altitude, oxygen-charged air, heat and low humidity contribute to a feeling of well being. Enter the Dead Sea and because of the water's high specific gravity, you will experience a floating sensation!
Benefits of Dead Sea Minerals
• | MAGNESIUM | Accelerate cell metabolism by activating Enzymes |
• | POTASSIUM | Stimulates and maintains nerve signals and Muscle contractions. Heals and regulates Osmosis and water balance |
• | CHLORIDE | Balances all minerals in the cells of the body |
• | BROMIDE | Heals and relieves skin disorders. Stimulates The natural repair mechanism in the body |
• | SODIUM | Protects the body against fluid loss, balances alkali levels and influences muscular activity |
• | IODINE | Vital for cell metabolism and necessary for the Production of thyroxin, which regulates Metabolic energy |
• | CALCIUM | Necessary for regulation of muscles and Strengthening the cell membranes |
The Benefits of Natural Ingredients
• | Aloe Vera | A rich emollient known to promote healing for damaged Or dry skin and impairs the ability of viruses |
• | Collagen | It is the fibrous protein constituent of skin and it is Responsible for skin elasticity, and Controls cell shape Differentiation and its degradation leads to wrinkles Those accompany aging |
• | Thyem | Improves the health and longevity of individual body cells And therefore prolongs the life of the body, it's strongly antiseptic and it is used especially in cases of exaustion, depression, and skin |
• | Sage | Sage has been considered valuable when applied externally In bags, it has properties common to aromatics, and it provides the skin softness and relaxation |
• | Chamomile | Used to treat problem skin since ancient times for its sedative and emollient properties. A softening agent for rough or irritated skin. It is Soothing, calming, sedative, relaxation, anti-inflammatory, tenseness, aching muscles, indigestion, acidity, hay fever, asthma, eczema, exhaustion |
Avocadine | Its oil easily absorbed by the skin and scalp, it is a good source of vitamins A,D and E, amino acids and improves skin elasticity, miniaturization, stimulated collagen synthesis,it is Skin barrier repair: film-forming properties, stop trans-epidermal water loss, keeps coenocytes well-conjoin, Recommended for chronic eczema and other skin disorder | |
• | JoJoba | It creates protective film over the skin that helps keep moisture in highly effective on dry or sun-damaged skin |
• | Vitamin E | Natural vitamin E is an essential vitamin in which helps boost the immune system, and promotes healthy cardiovascular function |
• | Genger Roots | It encourages the removal of toxins (as a diaphoretic) through the skin, The ginger inhibited the growth of skin cancers on the mice Ensuring Your Safety we don't not test products on animals. We guarantee the safety of the products by using ingredients that have been used reliably for many years, along with effective amounts of preservatives common in cosmetics. |
Ingredient of the Day:
Dead Sea Mud containing a rich blend of beneficial minerals including magnesium, potassium, sodium, bromine, iodine, silicon and lithium.
Dead Sea Mineral Mud is nature's combination of unique properties and beauty therapy. Medical researchers have proven that this ancient mud contains healing powers.
People say Beauty is only skin deep, and it is partially true. It is found below the layer of dead skin that we all carry around every day. But by using Vivacity Dead Sea salt on a regular basis you will ensure that you keep dead skin cells at bay. You will have truly found your inner beauty with the help of this amazing dead sea salt in our Dead sea products.
What Magic Dead Sea can do to your skin !!!
Dead Sea Beauty Kit from CNN
Beauty Tips – Younger, Healthier, More Beautiful Skin
The Dead Sea has been known for years as the world’s largest natural spa and for its therapeutic powers. Queen Cleopatra, the most beautiful woman in the world in ancient times, made the Dead Sea her beauty SPA of choice. Since then, thousands of visitors have visited the Dead Sea area for improving their health and skin condition as well as their well being. All of our products originate at the Dead Sea in Jordan and are made from the finest ingredients nature has to offer.
follow these Beauty Tips for you to achieve a younger, healthier, and more beautiful skin:
- Daily cleansing is the most important step. Cleanse your face twice a day. Morning cleansing is essential to remove the dead cells that our skin generates during the night. Evening cleansing is important to cleanse the dirt, dust, make-up, and toxins from the environment.
- Skin Toner is important to tone and balance your skin to an optimal pH of 5.5 to prevent generating bacteria. A pH of 5.5 is the ideal skin condition for the acceptance of the nutrients in serums and creams.
- Serums enhance the moisturizing process. By applying a serum before a cream, it allows the cream to dissolve and be utilized more effectively during the next 7 hours (In other words, serum is time released). After cleansing, apply a Facial Serum on the face and Eye Serum around the eye area.
- Day Moisturizers are essential to protect and keep the skin from drying. Dry skin is dehydrated which throughout the years will generate wrinkles. We offer 2 daily moisturizers for different ages and types of skin: Day Cream , and Anti-wrinkle Treatment Cream which fights wrinkles .
- Night Cream: During sleep, our skin is relaxed and is willing to accept nourishment unlike day time when the skin is stressed. Vivacity highly recommends Night Cream which is rich in nourishment
- Masks enhance daily treatments. Try Vivacity Mud mask for this purpose.
Beauty Advice of the day
becomes more important as you age. The skin is constantly generating new
skin cells and sending them to the surface. However, as time goes on,
the process of cell turnover decreases, and the skin can start to look
drier and less glowing. Since exfoliation increases cell turnover, the
skin appears and feels tighter and more polished.
Fall Skin Care Tips | 5 Simple Steps
As Fall surrounds us and the weather becomes colder we must remember
to take extra special care of skin to prevent dry, flaky, dehydrated
skin that can increase signs of aging.
Here are some healthy skin tips to get you ready for the change in seasons.
1.) Drink plenty of water. Staying well-hydrated is important for healthy skin.
2.) Exfoliate you skin once a week to remove dead skin cells and dirt that builds up and block the pores. Exfoliating allows our skin to renew and decreases the signs of aging. For the face, try our Premier Dead Sea Facial Exfoliator with natural apricot seeds and for the body try our Lavender Salt Scrub. Did you know that lavender soothes the skin and helps relieve stress and tension?
3.) Use facial serum followed by a good anti-wrinkle cream every morning and night after cleansing your face.
4.) Treat yourself to a facial mask at least once a week. A good facial mask and collagen builder with leave your skin soft, silky, smooth and younger looking.
5.) Lastly, use a good body butter moisturizer on your skin to keep it hydrated for the cool weather ahead!
Follow these 5 simple steps and you’ll be skin-ready for the Fall weather.
Here are some healthy skin tips to get you ready for the change in seasons.
1.) Drink plenty of water. Staying well-hydrated is important for healthy skin.
2.) Exfoliate you skin once a week to remove dead skin cells and dirt that builds up and block the pores. Exfoliating allows our skin to renew and decreases the signs of aging. For the face, try our Premier Dead Sea Facial Exfoliator with natural apricot seeds and for the body try our Lavender Salt Scrub. Did you know that lavender soothes the skin and helps relieve stress and tension?
3.) Use facial serum followed by a good anti-wrinkle cream every morning and night after cleansing your face.
4.) Treat yourself to a facial mask at least once a week. A good facial mask and collagen builder with leave your skin soft, silky, smooth and younger looking.
5.) Lastly, use a good body butter moisturizer on your skin to keep it hydrated for the cool weather ahead!
Follow these 5 simple steps and you’ll be skin-ready for the Fall weather.
Vivacity Dead Sea salt crystals
These skin-energizing Dead Sea salt crystals are 100% natural and packed
with healthy minerals. They relax muscles and joints and leaves skin
feeling soft, smooth and refreshingly hydrated.
Directions For Use:
Dissolve 1 cup of salt in warm bath water. Soak for 20 minutes and shower off. Rest for half an hour. Note: if you have a history of high blood pressure or are pregnant, please consult a physician before using.1/12/2013
With our mineral-rich products coming from the Dead Sea, it’s easy to fall in love with the area’s unique topography and mystical charm. Visit our Dead Sea Beauty Pinterest board and discover the beauty of the Dead Sea for yourself!
Discover the beauty of the Dead Sea Now : http://pinterest.com/vivacitydeadsea/dead-sea/
Skin tip:
Firm up without hitting the gym. Vivacity Firming Body lotion utilizes natural, herbal extracts to improve luminosity and tone while boosting circulation and firming skin.
Dead Sea Mud
Mud- Comprised of layer upon layer of
sedimentary clay formed over thousands of years, the layers of unique black
mineral mud found in the Dead Sea region yield extraordinary amounts of
magnesium, calcium, potassium, strontium, boron and iron – essential to maintaining
healthy, supple skin. The natural properties of mud have been scientifically
proven to restore suppleness and moisture levels in overly dry skin while
relieving and soothing symptoms such as soreness, roughness, redness and
عشرة أشياء لا تعرفها عن البحر الميت
البحر الميت هو عبارة عن بحيرة مالحة كبيرة , يحدها من الشرق الاردن ومن
الغرب الاراضي الفلسطينية الواقعة تحت الاحتلال الاسرائيلي. واليك عشرة اشياء
تجعلها من اغرب الاماكن فى العالم:
1- يبلغ مستوى سطح الحر الميت حوالى 423 تحت
مستوى البحر..مما يجعلها اخفض مكان على مستوى الارض.
2- تبلغ مساحة البحر الميت حوالى 377 متر .. مما
يجعلها اعمق بحيرة مالحه فى العالم
3- تبلغ درجة ملوحة مياهها حوالى 33.7
بالمائه..لذا فهى تحوى على المياه الاكثر ملوحة فى العالم . 4
تلك الملوحه الشديده لمياه البحر الميت اعطت رواده سهولة الطفو على سطحه دون ان
يظهروا اي مجهود في السباحة.
5- نعنبر ملوحته اشد بثماني مرات من ملوحة
المحيط او اية بحر اخر ..مما ادى الى استحالة تكيف الكائنات الحيه والعيش بداخله.
6- يبلغ طول البحر الميت حوالى 67 كيلو متر(
حوالى 42 ميل) ويبلغ اتساعه 18 كيلو مترا (حوالى 11 ميل) ويقع عند وادى الاردن
( RIFT VALLEY) , وراوفده الرئيسية يمدها من نهر الاردن
7- هناك اسباب عديدة جعلت من المنطقة بكاملها
مقصدا للتداوي والعلاج..نظرا لما تحتويه مياه البحر الميت من معادن وعناصر مفيدة
8-ذكر فى الكتاب المقدس ( التوراه) ان البحيرة
هى المكان المقدس والذى لجأ اليه داوود عليه السلام .ايضا كان مصدرا مهما لبعض
المواد التى استخدمها قدماء المصريين فى عمليات التحنيط
9- هناك ميزه عظيمة لمياه البحر الميت ..في انها تخرج مادة الاسفلت من مركباتها ,
وقد استورده قدماء المصريين لعمليات تحنيط الموتى لديهم بالاضافة لاستعمال المادة
في البناء .
10-يمر اخفض طريق بالعالم بين فلسطين التاريخية
التي تسيطر عليها اسرائيل والضفه الغربيه للبحر الميت ( 393 متر تحت مستوى البحرVivacity Night cream
Made to protect and nourish the skin at night,Vivacity Nourishing Night Crème contains minerals that add enrichment and moisture to the skin, without giving off that dry feel that so many other creams are left you feeling with. The Dead Sea minerals of Vivacity Nourishing Night Crème will repair your skin nocturnally.
Try Vivacity Mineral Body Scrub (Lavender)
You want your skin to look positively radiant!
So say bye-bye to flakes with these awesome scrubs that will have you
looking great from head to toe.
Skin care Tip of the Day:
It's that time of the year when you need to be extra careful about your body.
Start using a creamy facial cleanser. Cleansers, which you use to remove make-up usually, strip away moisture and during winter, this problem gets magnified.
Start using a creamy facial cleanser. Cleansers, which you use to remove make-up usually, strip away moisture and during winter, this problem gets magnified.
Relax and unwind with Mineral Lavender Dead Sea Bath Salt.
as both work to melt stress and bring peace to body & mind.
Combined with world-renowned Dead Sea bath salt, recognized for its
therapeutic properties, this luxurious soak is ideally suited for a bedtime bath, helping you achieve a peaceful sleep and preparing you for the day ahead.
Directions: Simply pour 4-6 capfuls of Mineral Lavender Bath Salt into warm bath water. Step in, soak & relax.
Directions: Simply pour 4-6 capfuls of Mineral Lavender Bath Salt into warm bath water. Step in, soak & relax.
Mud From dead sea
The medicinal natural black mud is a homogeneous mixture of Dead Sea minerals, organic elements retrieved from the shoreline of the Dead Sea. When apply The medicinal natural black mud is a homogeneous mixture of Dead Sea minerals, organic elements retrieved from the shoreline of the Dead Sea. When applied to the skin, the Dead Sea mud improves and stimulates blood circulation in affected areas of many types of joint diseases, due to its thermopexic properties. Medicinal black mud is also useful for cleansing and softening the skin to the skin, the Dead Sea mud improves and stimulates blood circulation in affected areas of many types of joint diseases, due to its thermopexic properties. Medicinal black mud is also useful for cleansing and softening the skin.
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