
#Dead #Sea has one of the highest concentrations of chlorides of any body of water in the world. The Dead Sea salt is actually a combination of several different chlorides and minerals. #Dead #Seasalt consists mainly of sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, and potassium chloride.

#DeadSea #DeadSeaMinerals #DeadSeasalts #DeadSeaProducts


There are several known health benefits to visiting the #Dead #Sea. For instance, its high mineral content and low altitude provide relief to psoriasis sufferers, who benefit from exposure to sunlight but not ultraviolet rays. Many of the purported health benefits of the Dead Sea have not been scientifically proven, but for thousands of years, many people have believed that the waters have healing powers. 

#VIVAcity #DeadSea


Dead Sea soap contains ingredients derived from the Dead Sea. The soap can contain minerals from the Dead Sea, mud from the Dead Sea, or both.


For more information, feel free to contact us on : info@vivacitydeadsea.com
or visit our website. www.vivacitydeadsea.com


Vivacity Dead Sea products help YOU to look Younger .... 


This Gift consists of the following items: Day Cream. Revitalizing Night Cream. Body Lotion


You will feel the difference in your body as well as in your life. Once you achieve your target of Beautiful You.......USE ‪#‎VIVACITY‬


Made to protect and nourish the skin at night,Vivacity Nourishing Night Cream contains minerals that add enrichment and moisture to the skin, without giving off that dry feel that so many other creams are left you feeling with.
The Dead Sea minerals of Vivacity Nourishing Night Cream will repair your skin nocturnally.


Natural health and beauty products from the Dead Sea marketed under the brand names Vivacity.

#VIVAcity #deadsea #beauty #minerals #Products